Easter Ingredient Essentials: Chocolate Crumb and Fresh Milk

Between 80 and 90 million chocolate eggs are bought and consumed annually in Britain. And, with more than 44.5 million people planning to celebrate Easter in 2024, the holiday is the second…

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This summer’s ice cream trends

With summer in full swing (allegedly!), consumers are increasingly indulging in a cooling ice cream as they enjoy the intermittent appearances of sunshine. However, despite its place as a perennial summertime favourite,…

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dairy ingredients

Ingredient Trends for 2023

Over the last decade, consumer preference in food has changed immeasurably and with tastes continually evolving, it’s important that as a leading value-added ingredient manufacturer we monitor emerging and growing trends. We’ve…

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responsibly sourced confectionery

#WorldFairtradeDay – How We Responsibly Source Our Confectionery

This month marked World Fairtrade Day, an event that provides us with an opportunity to evaluate and examine where our food comes and whether its responsibly sourced. As one of Europe’s leading…

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sustainable dairy

What goes into us being 100% sustainably sourced by 2025?

Supply chain efficiency is key to creating a more sustainable economy as it means goods are transported in a more streamlined manner, with fewer emissions and waste produced. An efficient supply chain…

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Easter trends

This Easter’s Confectionery Trends

Easter is a wonderful time of year. Spring is in full swing, the days are longer, nature is in bloom and for those with a sweet tooth, it’s a time for enjoying…

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sustainable dairy

Sustainability and consumer decision making

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Meadow and our drive towards a greener future is mirrored in consumers’ attitudes, particularly when it comes to the products they buy.…

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